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Does your business have to wait 30days+ to get their invoices paid?

One of the most common struggles any business faces is managing cash flow. You provide your products and services on time, only to wait 30, 60, or even 90 days or longer for payment. Meanwhile, your business has needs and obligations that require working capital. Whether you want to go after that new account, add inventory, or increase staff to manage a seasonal rush, having the cash you need, when you need it, gives you the opportunity to grow your business on your schedule. That’s where We comes in to help you.

Person in Working Uniform

What DOES our Invoice Factoring ENTAILS?

Get the cash your business needs in 24 hours


What is Invoice


​Factoring is simply the sale of your open accounts receivable for immediate cash.

Leasing your equipment is a smart way to grow your business because it allow you to add the right tools, technology and equipment at the right time can help your business thrive. It will protect your capital and preserve your line of credit.






How Does it

Work ?

Instead of waiting for slow-paying customers, the factor buys your open invoices at an agreed-upon discount for cash you can use right away. The factors you will deal with provides non-recourse factoring, which means we assume the credit risk - if an invoice you factor with the factor isn’t paid for a credit reason, you are not liable.​Most factors are full-recourse, which means you still have to worry about default. Non-recourse factoring gives you immediate cash for your invoices without the hassle of collections.

How to Get Started

with Factoring ?

We will connect you with a factor company. Once your account is established, simply submit your invoices and relevant paperwork. After we verify the invoices, we send them to your customers and your cash is deposited to your bank account, all within 24 hours. You can manage your account and submit invoices online 24/7 through a portal, an online account management platform, where you can also instantly check credit on thousands of companies throughout the U.S. and Canada.


Our 3 Step Process:


​Complete your job or order and submit your invoices to the factor instead of sending to the client


Invoices are Processed Your invoices are verified then sent to your customers


Cash will be deposited into your bank account within the frame of 24 hours.

Woman in Suit



Thanks for the help you’ve given. IC has been easy to work with, polite and provide a comprehensive follow up on documents. Their personnel was friendly and made the process simple.

Natalie Mirna

After years of preparing, we had a dream of bottling milk, and we believed we had the finances under control until we encountered a significant obstacle. Thanks to IC who saved us.

Jodie McFadden

I just want to thank everyone at Intelligence Capital for making it so simple, quick, and straightforward for my business to add new equipment. Looking forward to our next transaction. 

Mike Rodney


We’re here to answer any questions you have, online or on the phone. Call us at 581-700-2353 or click below to get in touch with one of our specialists.

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